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Set out below are the business terms in which Dr Filler London provides a service to its clients.

Please ensure that you have read and fully understood our terms and conditions prior to booking a treatment.


We will do our best not to cancel or rearrange your appointments and to run to time. We really appreciate you doing the same.


We understand that sometimes you may have to cancel an appointment. Please give us at least 48 hours’ notice, otherwise a cancellation fee of 100% of the cost of your service or treatment will be charged. If your treatment is part of a pre-paid course, we reserve the right to deduct the missed appointment from the course.

We will take your payment details at the time of booking an appointment with us.

It is very difficult to fill appointments at short notice, but if we do, we will not charge you a cancellation fee.

If you need to cancel, please give us a call or use our online booking system. Please don’t text, email or put a message on social media.


If you fall ill due to covid, we require proof of lateral flow by forwarding the confirmation of positive result email from the NHS to, and this will allow us to remove and reschedule your appointment.  If an email is not received, we reserve the right to enforce the cancellation policy above.


Before we take your payment details to cover a cancellation charge or a deposit or advance payment, we will confirm:

  • The service or treatment you have booked.

  • The total price of the service booked or how the price will be calculated if an exact price cannot be given.

  • The time and date of the appointment.


A deposit of £50 of the cost of your service or treatment will be charged if you:

  • missed your last appointment with us; or

  • are a new client; or

  • are booking online; or

  • are booking for an appointment lasting more than two hours, such as hair colour or a laser treatment, or for a series of appointments.

The deposit will be taken when you book your appointment and will be taken off your bill when you pay for the service or treatment you have received. The deposit will be fully refunded if you cancel, if you give us at least 48 hours’ notice.

The deposit will be fully refunded if a service or treatment is unsuitable for you and relevant documentation is supplied to support this from a medical professional.

We do not offer refunds on pre-purchased courses if you decide you do not want to continue for personal reasons, only refunds supplied on receipt of documentation from a medical professional.


We will take payment in full at the time of booking:

  • for an appointment lasting more than two hours, or a laser treatment; or

  • if you missed your last appointment with us.

In case of a late cancellation or no-show, we will keep an amount of the advance payment that genuinely reflects the loss we have suffered as a result of the late cancellation or no-show.


You have a 10 minutes grace period, if you arrived later then 10 minutes to your appointment a fee of £10 will be charged and will increase by £5 for every 10 minutes.


10 minutes late £10

25 minutes late £25 

35 minutes late £35

45 minutes late - appointment cancelled 


From time to time, we may send you by email or text a promotional offer. If you wish to use the offer, please mention it upon booking. Unless stated at the time of issue, each discount will be valid for use by the recipient of the email/text and by such recipient only once and may not be used in conjunction with any other promotion.

We reserve the right to withdraw or cancel any offers for any reason at any time.


There are no refunds on treatments taken or purchased products.

Refunds on courses: We do not offer refunds on pre-purchased courses if you do not want to continue for personal reasons; only refunds will be supplied on receipt of documentation of a medical professional

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