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Frequently Asked Questions:

Possibilities of various side effects from mesotherapy?

  • Redness and flushing

  • Swelling and pain

  • Tenderness

  • Itching

  • Bruising and bleeding

  • Fainting

  • Rarely infection and ulceration

  • Typically these are resolved spontaneously in 1-2 days after injection.


Defining aftercare of mesotherapy 

After having done a mesotherapy treatment, it is common for patients to notice that bumps (papules) appear at the place of injection. Bumps normally l disappear within 24 hours. Patients should avoid squeezing them and not touch them for at least 24 hours unless hands are cleaned throughly. It is likely that injection marks may continue to be visible on the areas treated for a period of 1-2 days. It is recommended to keep injected areas clean for a day or so until all marks have disappeared. Also avoid any exercise activities (gym, saunas, swimming pools and general work outs) that might cause a possible risk of infection within the first 24 hours.


What to do before getting lip fillers?

  • Alcohol intake should be reduced at least 24 hours before treatment.

  • Medications such as aspirin may cause bruising as will high doses of vitamin E.

  • Sun beds, waxing, electrolysis and laser should be avoided at least 48 hours before treatment.

  • Pain sensitivity may be heightened at certain times (pre-menstrual or following excessive alcohol intake)

  • Bruising may be reduced by taking Arnica tablets two days before treatment.

  • Risk of cold sores may be reduced by the use of Zovirax® tablets.


Helpful Post-treatment care tips?

After treatment patients may experience slight redness, swelling, tenderness and an itching sensation in the treated area. Don’t panic, this is a normal result of the injection. If the inconvenience persists or other reactions occur, please contact your local doctor / GP.

  • Treated area can be massaged gently for 30 seconds morning and night for 2 to 3 days.

  • Initial swelling post treatment may last longer. Some patients may experience swelling for a period of 7 days. This means that the result directly after the treatment should not be viewed as the final result.

  • Avoid touching treated area for at least 6 hours after the treatment. After 6 hours, the area can be gently washed with soap and water and light make-up can be applied.

  • Once the initial swelling and redness have resolved, do not expose the treated area to intense heat (e.g. sun-beds and sunbathing) or extreme cold.

  • If patients have previously suffered from facial cold sores, there is a risk that the needle punctures could contribute to another eruption of cold sores.

  • If patients are using aspirin or similar medications, be advised that these may increase the bruising and bleeding at the injection site.


Potential risks following lip enhancement?

  • Itching, swelling and tenderness around the area injected

  • Bruising

  • Allergic reactions in the form of skin redness and swelling or acne-like reaction

  • Rarely, vascular clogging and skin necrosis

  • Skin pigmentation

  • Infection and abscess formation.

Most of these possible risks are self-limited and resolve naturally over the course of time.


How long do lip fillers it last for?

Lip fillers can usually last for up to six to twelve months. After which the lips go back to their original form and pre-treatment shape. The more regularly patients inject the more youthful patients lips will appear as the effect tend to take longer to disappear after frequent treatments.  


What Patients can expect after chemical peel. 

During the procedure, patients can experience a warm to hot sensation that lasts about five to ten minutes, followed by a stinging sensation. Cool compresses can be applied helping to ease off the stinging sensation. A deeper peel may result in pain relief medication during or after the procedure. Depending upon the type of chemical peel, a reaction similar to sunburn occurs following the procedure. Peeling usually involves redness, followed by scaling which ends within a three to seven day period. Mild peels can be repeated at one to four-week intervals until the desired clinical result is achieved. Medium-depth and deep peeling may result in swelling, as well as the presence of water blisters that may break, crust, turn brown and peel off over a period of seven to 14 days. Medium-depth peels may be repeated in six to twelve months, if required.


What Patients can do after a chemical peel?

  • Clean your face gently with a soap-free cleanser, pat dry with a towel, and moisturise twice a day.

  • Do not pick off any dead or peeling skin as this may cause bleeding, discolouration, or even mild scarring.

  • Do not expose yourself to the sun without sunscreen for at least 6 weeks after treatment to reduce the risk of hyperpigmentation. A high factor sun block should be used daily to protect the skin (even on a dull cloudy day).

  • If itching is severe during the healing phase, antihistamine may be useful to stop this symptom.

  • Avoid scratching or picking at the skin to reduce the chance of scarring.

  • Contact your doctor if you notice any sign of infection, scarring, pigmentation.


Side effects of a chemical peel?

  • Burning sensation and stinging.

  • Redness can last for a few weeks.

  • Sensitive skin after the peel

  • In rare cases, the patient may develop skin infection or an outbreak of cold sores. This normally occurs in patients who have a history of infection and antiviral medication may be recommended if such complications occur.

  • Mild transient swelling of the face

  • Hypo or hyper pigmentation-patient must always use all after care products as directed and remember to use high factor sun screen (factor 30 or more) In certain skin types, there is a risk of developing a temporary or permanent color change in the skin. Taking birth control pills, subsequent pregnancy or family history of brownish discolouration on the face may increase the possibility of developing abnormal pigmentation.

  • In rare cases scarring or keloid may occur.


Aftercare regimen for Botox?

  • Refrain from touching the treated area for 4 hours. After this time when you wash the area, do so gently and pat it dry very softly with a soft towel. Do not rub the treated area for at least 48 hours.

  • Remain upright for 4 hours and avoid excessive bending during this time.

  • Avoid sleeping on your face for the first night.

  • Do exercise the treated muscles by tensing and relaxing them for the first hour after treatment as this help to disperse the Botox within the area.

  • Use a dabbing motion when you apply your make up or moisturiser for the first 24 hours.

  • Do not fly for 24 hours following the treatment.

  • Please return in 2-3 weeks for follow up appointment.


Potential risks following Botox injections?

  • Bruising, redness, swelling and localised pain at the injection site.

  • Eyebrow or eyelid drooping can occur.

  • Headache, nausea and flu-like symptoms.


You should not have Botox injections if you are:-

  • Pregnant and breast-feeding women.

  • Are known to be allergic to botulinum toxin, human albumin or disport.

  • A history of severe anaphylactic reaction.

  • Personal or family history of myasthenia gravis, lambert-eaton syndrome, motor neuron disease or multiple sclerosis.

  • Bleeding disorder or taking blood thinning drugs like aspirin, warfarin…

  • Have had surgery or severe injury near the area to be injected.

  • Taking one of the following medications: Aminoglycosides, calcium channel blockers, penicillamines, quininesnon, non-depolarising muscle relaxants and vitamin E.

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